Friday, February 11, 2011

refelection - angle idea

needed to write this down before I forget.

- Why Should we care about programs like Job corps? this has been the main combative energy from this class. Why on Earth should we care about people who are too lazy, and too unmotivated to care wethor they live in a shoe bx or a reputable apartment?  After all everyone in these programs is either From prison or going TO priso and since our taxes pay for both Why not just send them to jail? Its where they belong right?

Mostly WRONG.

The reason why we should care is Ironically the same reason why we shouldn't. Because we ALL have our OWN responsibilitites for our OWN lives. Not to be lofing on the back of the government or others. Thats exactlywhat this program is fixing. The people in Job corps had to be screened.. to be tested to see if they were worthy. - That means the people there made the descision to go. They WANT to be there. I had previously imagined a half way house - a place where P.O. officors drop of newly freed criminals and twitttled their thumbs before picking them up for a nother crime. A place where drug addicts go for a hot meal a warm bed.. a sob story about temptation, only to be consistantly taken care of when they consistantly  screw up again.

But thats not who these people are. These are the people that WERE FAILEd BY the goovernment in the first place. they were allowed to get through school with little to no actual education.. these are the people who instead of Sobing and creating the pooor me attitue are working and striving to create a better life. These are the people Who ARE  attempting to care about their OWN lives.

But guess what... you can't learn to read over night, you cant opperate a metal saw withoput experiance, and you can't learn how to effectivly comunicate unless you start with a safe place, people, .. and then comunicate.
Thats what this program provides. It is the bulding blocks to a healthy independent and productive member of our society.

We cant afford to let the comunity brand them as lazy, habbitual criminals. Because these are the people who started with nothing and who are fighting for their futures. These .. in all essence of the word are our children. The ones that fell through the current gaps and cracks of our community.. of our humanity in the first place.

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